

Welcome to the Spotii API!

Merchants can use our API to access Spotii API endpoints, which can checkout, capture and refund.

Spotii offers integration with the following eCommerce platforms


To authorize, use this code to obtain a temporary bearer token:

curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST -d '{
      "public_key": "<your-public-key>",
      "private_key": "<your-private-key>"

Make sure to replace <your-public-key> and <your-private-key> with your API keys. The information can be found from your merchant dashboard > settings > integrations.

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "token": "<temporary-bearer-token>"

Spotii uses OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage to allow access to the APIs.

Spotii expects the bearer token authentication to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer <temporary-bearer-token>


⚬ Workflow

⚬ Create a Checkout

curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <temporary-bearer-token>' \
-X POST -d '{
    "reference": "198776653",
    "display_reference": "198776653",
    "description": "Order #198776653",
    "total": "300.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "confirm_callback_url": "",
    "reject_callback_url": "",
    "order": {
        "tax_amount": null,
        "shipping_amount": null,
        "discount": null,
        "customer": {
          "first_name": "George",
          "last_name": "Clooney",
          "email": "",
          "phone": "+971559993322"
        "billing_address": {
            "title": "Mr",
            "first_name": "George",
            "last_name": "Clooney",
            "line1": "My House 12",
            "line2": "",
            "line3": "",
            "line4": "Dubai",
            "state": "",
            "postcode": "4400",
            "country": "AE",
            "phone": "+971559993322"
        "shipping_address": {
            "title": "Mr",
            "first_name": "George",
            "last_name": "Clooney",
            "line1": "My House 12",
            "line2": "",
            "line3": "",
            "line4": "Dubai",
            "state": "",
            "postcode": "4400",
            "country": "AE",
            "phone": "+971559993322"
        "lines": [
            "sku": "sku-1",
            "reference": "reference-1",
            "title": "Livingston All-Purpose Tight",
            "upc": "upc-1",
            "quantity": 1,
            "price": "300.00",
            "currency": "USD",
            "image_url": ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "reference": "198776653",
    "display_reference": "198776653",
    "description": "Order #198776653",
    "total": "300.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "confirm_callback_url": "",
    "reject_callback_url": "",
    "order": {
        "tax_amount": null,
        "shipping_amount": null,
        "discount": null,
        "customer": {
            "first_name": "George",
            "last_name": "Clooney",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+971559993322"
        "billing_address": {
            "title": "Mr",
            "first_name": "George",
            "last_name": "Clooney",
            "line1": "My House 12",
            "line2": "",
            "line3": "",
            "line4": "Dubai",
            "state": "",
            "postcode": "4400",
            "country": "AE",
            "phone": "+971559993322"
        "shipping_address": {
            "title": "Mr",
            "first_name": "George",
            "last_name": "Clooney",
            "line1": "My House 12",
            "line2": "",
            "line3": "",
            "line4": "Dubai",
            "state": "",
            "postcode": "4400",
            "country": "AE",
            "phone": "+971559993322"
        "lines": [
                "line_id": "b05508f7-825f-413a-8fa6-ce6fff24315d",
                "sku": "sku-1",
                "reference": "reference-1",
                "notes": null,
                "title": "Livingston All-Purpose Tight",
                "upc": "upc-1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": "300.00",
                "currency": "USD",
                "image_url": ""
    "checkout_url": ""

This endpoint creates a merchant checkout. Upon a successful request, a checkout_url link will be provided for the merchant's customer to process payment at Spotii's payment portal. If payment is successful, the customer will be redirected to the provided confirm_callback_url link. Else if payment is rejected, the customer will be redirected to the provided reject_callback_url link.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
reference String Merchant's unique reference ID
display_reference String Display of merchant's reference ID
description String Order description
total Decimal Total amount of the order, including tax, shipping and discount.
currency Currency ISO 4217 order currency. Currently supports "USD" for sandbox and "AED" or "SAR" for production.
confirm_callback_url String Merchant URL for confirmed order
reject_callback_url String Merchant URL for rejected order
order Order Order information.


  "tax_amount": null,
  "shipping_amount": null,
  "discount": null,
  "customer": {},
  "billing_address": {},
  "shipping_address": {},
  "lines": []
Parameter Type Description Required Nullable
tax_amount Decimal Tax amount.
shipping_amount Decimal Shipping amount.
discount Decimal Discount amount.
customer Customer Object Customer information.
billing_address Billing Object Billing address.
shipping_address Shipping Object Shipping address.
lines Lines ArrayOf(Object) A list of line objects.


  "first_name": "George",
  "last_name": "Clooney",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "+971559993322"
Parameter Type Description Required
first_name String First name.
last_name String Last name.
email String A valid email address.
phone String Phone number.


  "title": "Mr",
  "first_name": "George",
  "last_name": "Clooney",
  "line1": "My House 12",
  "line2": "",
  "line3": "",
  "line4": "Dubai",
  "state": "",
  "postcode": "4400",
  "country": "AE",
  "phone": "+971559993322"
Parameter Type Description Required
title String Title.
first_name String First name.
last_name String Last name.
line1 String Street address.
line2 String Apartment, suite, floor, etc.
line3 String Optional
line4 String City
state String State or Region or Province.
postcode String Postal Code.
country Country ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.
phone String Phone number.


  "title": "Mr",
  "first_name": "George",
  "last_name": "Clooney",
  "line1": "My House 12",
  "line2": "",
  "line3": "",
  "line4": "Dubai",
  "state": "",
  "postcode": "4400",
  "country": "AE",
  "phone": "+971559993322"
Parameter Type Description Required
title String Title.
first_name String First name.
last_name String Last name.
line1 String Street address.
line2 String Apartment, suite, floor, etc.
line3 String Optional
line4 String City
state String State or Region or Province.
postcode String Postal Code.
country Country ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code.
phone String Phone number.


  "sku": "sku-1",
  "reference": "reference-1",
  "title": "Livingston All-Purpose Tight",
  "upc": "upc-1",
  "quantity": 1,
  "price": "300.00",
  "currency": "USD",
  "image_url": ""
Parameter Type Description Required
sku String Line SKU.
reference String Reference ID
title String Line title.
upc String Line UPC.
quantity Integer Line quantity.
price String Line price, excluding tax, shipping and discount.
currency Currency ISO 4217 order currency. Currently supports "USD" for sandbox and "AED" or "SAR" for production.
image_url String Line image url.


⚬ Get

An order object will not exist unless the payment is authorized.


curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <temporary-bearer-token>' \
-X GET<reference>/
        "order_id": "9d7f31ac-d030-41e4-adf1-8769cae32520",
        "reference": "TDU4YSXB3RY89OG",
        "display_reference": "TDU4YSXB3RY89OG",
        "description": "Order #TDU4YSXB3RY89OG Description:",
        "total": "200.9900",
        "currency": "AED",
        "tax_amount": null,
        "shipping_amount": null,
        "discount": null,
        "customer": {
            "first_name": null,
            "last_name": null,
            "email": "",
            "phone": null
        "billing_address": null,
        "shipping_address": null,
        "lines": [],
        "created_at": "2020-12-13T07:45:25.168325Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-12-13T07:45:29.548974Z",
        "order_number": "9QG738WMHKRW",
        "status": "OPENED",
        "total_refund": "0",
        "capture_expiration": "2020-12-18T07:45:25.168325+00:00",
        "employee_name": "Spotii Merchant"


Excluding values at checkout POST

Parameter Type Description
status String Either OPENED or COMPLETED *
total_refund String The amount of Refunds done on the order
employee_name String Reference ID
capture_expiration String Capture expiry time stamp

⚬ Capture

curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <temporary-bearer-token>' \
-X POST<reference>/capture/

This endpoint captures an order that has been approved by Spotii's payment portal.



Parameter Type Description
status String Transaction status: SUCCESS or FAILURE
order_id String unique order uuid
amount String The amount captured (returned on SUCCESS)
currency Currency ISO 4217 order currency (returned on SUCCESS)
type String Transaction type "CAPTURE" (returned on SUCCESS)


Code Description
404 Transaction does not exist

⚬ Refund

curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <temporary-bearer-token>' \
-X POST -d '{
      "total": "100.00",
      "currency": "USD"

This endpoint refunds an order. This can be done at any time there is no window.



Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
total Decimal Total amount of the order, including tax, shipping and discount.
currency Currency ISO 4217 order currency.


Parameter Type Description
status String Transaction status: SUCCESS or FAILURE
order_id String unique order uuid
amount String The amount captured
currency Currency ISO 4217 order currency
type String Transaction type "REFUND"
transaction_id String unique uuid for the transaction


Code Description
406 Transaction is already refunded or Transaction is still open
404 Transaction does not exist


Spotii uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

Error Code Meaning
200 OK -- Success.
400 Bad Request -- The request was invalid, please double check the required parameter(s).
401 Unauthorized -- No valid Bearer Token provided.
402 Request Failed -- The parameters were valid but the request failed.
404 Not Found -- The requested resource could not be found.
406 Not Acceptable -- Cannot produce a response matching the list of acceptable values.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.


Magento 2

This extension allows you to use Spotii as a payment gateway in your Magento 2 store.

1. Installation steps

  1. composer require spotii/spotiipay
  2. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  3. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  4. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  5. php bin/magento cache:clean

Manual Setup

  1. Sign up for Spotii account at
  2. In your Magento 2 [ROOT]/app/code/ create folder called Spotii/Spotiipay.
  3. Download and extract files from this repository to the folder.
  4. Open the command line interface.
  5. Enable Spotii by running command below: php bin/magento module:enable Spotii_Spotiipay
  6. Magento setup upgrade: php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  7. Magento Dependencies Injection Compile: php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  8. Magento Static Content deployment: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  9. Login to Magento Admin and navigate to System/Cache Management
  10. Flush the cache storage by selecting Flush Cache Storage

2a. Admin Configuration

  1. Login to your Magento Admin
  2. Navigate to Store > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methonds > Spotii > Payment Settings
  3. Click Register for Spotii or I’ve already setup Spotii, I want to edit my settings

2b. Payment Setup

  1. Set the Payment Mode to Live for LIVE and set it as Sandbox for SANDBOX.
  2. Set the Merchant ID, Public Key and Private Key. The information can be found from your merchant dashboard.
  3. Set Payment Action as Authorize only for doing payment authorization only and Authorize and Capture for doing authorization as well as payment capture.
  4. Set the Merchant Country as per the origin.
  5. Enable the log tracker to trace the Spotii checkout process.
  6. Save the configuration and clear the cache.

3a. Product Widget Setup

  1. Navigate to Stores/Configuration/Sales/Payment Methods/Spotii/Widget Settings/Product Page in your Magento admin.
  2. Provide the following information below to display the Spotii widget at the product page.
    • Price Block Selector : XPath of the price element.
    • Product page:render to element path : Location where to render the widget.
    • Show in all countries : Yes/No.
    • Alignment : Position of the widget.
    • Theme : Widget theme.
    • Width type : Text width of the widget.
    • Image url : If you want to have different logo, paste the url here.
    • Hide classes : Classes to be hidden when spotii widget is in place.
  3. Save the configuration
  4. Clear the cache.

3b. Cart Widget Setup

  1. Navigate to Stores/Configuration/Sales/Payment Methods/Spotii/Widget Settings/Cart Page in your Magento admin.
  2. Provide the following information below to display the Spotii widget at the product page.
    • Price Block Selector : XPath of the price element.
    • Cart page:render to element path : Location where to render the widget.
    • Show in all countries : Yes/No.
    • Alignment : Position of the widget.
    • Theme : Widget theme.
    • Width type : Text width of the widget.
    • Image url : If you want to have different logo, paste the url here.
    • Hide classes : Classes to be hidden when spotii widget is in place.
  3. Save the configuration
  4. Clear the cache.


This extension allows you to use Spotii as a payment gateway in your WooCommerce store.

Ensure you have signed up as a merchant on Spotii

1. Installation steps

  1. Get folder ‘spotii-gateway’ from plugin zip
  2. Copy this folder inside /Wordpress [ROOT]/wp-content/plugins/
  3. Ensure folder structure as /wp-content/plugins/spotii-gateway/spotii-gateway.php

2a. Admin Configuration

  1. Login to your Wordpress Admin portal
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Installed Plugins
  3. Look for “Spotii Payment Gateway” in the plugins list and click “Install”
  4. On installation complete, click on “Activate”

2b. Payment Setup

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments
  2. Check radio button “Enable” and click on “Set up” on Spotii Gateway
    • Enable Spotii gateway
    • Enable test mode – disable this when going live
    • Put your test (staging) private and public keys in Test fields
    • Put your live (staging) keys in Live fields
    • Save changes

Production Checklist


Events are messages/signals fired by our applications to registered webhooks URLs, which signify performed actions during the lifecycle of a BNPL order. Here you will find an exhaustive list of the types of events the Spotii system triggers during the lifecycle, from registration, to checkout, to order placement and management. To simplify understanding of the events, diagrams depicting event invocation for various stages of the lifecycle are also included.

Events - Registration and Account Management

Consumer Registration Event Flowchart

Merchant Registration Event Flowchart

Consumer, Merchant Account Management Event Flowchart


A new consumer account was created on the platform.

    "event_type": "consumer/created",
    "event_id": "2f48cc0b-1180-46d3-9a8a-88c740719d7b",
    "meta_data": {
      "email": "",
      "attempt_id": "d54f93b8-526a-45f7-89c6-f8268348bf10",
      "ip_address": "",
      "checkout_id": null,
      "customer_id": "a73bb1a8-f12e-4b2f-b1c2-1178e22e6f2d",
      "phone_number": "+1234567890",
      "login_success": true,
      "recovery_link": "/account/password-recovery/"
Field Description
event_type A string representing the type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event. The email address associated with the consumer.
meta_data.attempt_id A unique identifier for the login attempt.
meta_data.ip_address The IP address of the device used by the consumer.
meta_data.checkout_id A unique identifier for the checkout process.
meta_data.customer_id A unique identifier for the consumer.
meta_data.phone_number The phone number associated with the consumer.
meta_data.login_success A boolean indicating whether the login attempt was successful.
meta_data.recovery_link The URL for the password recovery page.


An existing consumer account was deactivated on the platform

  "event_type": "consumer/deactivated",
  "event_id": "d4d92a4a-984e-4f12-9d26-631f24c7f9b0",
  "meta_data": {
    "country": "Canada",
    "consumer_id": "dcfbfa90-64a7-4f5e-94c3-eb1d728c0d6a"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id The unique identifier of the event. The country associated with the consumer.
meta_data.consumer_id The unique identifier of the consumer.


A consumer uploaded an ID already registered under a different consumer account.

  "event_type": "consumer/duplicate_id",
  "event_id": "537ee7a6-82a6-44e2-bc0f-7a90d9f6a7a8",
  "meta_data": {
    "reason": "Customer profile already exists",
    "bl_data": [
        "email": "",
        "consumer_id": "b6373f13-48f6-40eb-a9c9-54832017f8c8"
    "consumer_id": "b6373f13-48f6-40eb-a9c9-54832017f8c8"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.
meta_data.reason A description of why the consumer ID is being flagged as a duplicate.
meta_data.bl_data An array of objects containing information about blacklisted consumers. The email address associated with the blacklisted consumer.
meta_data.bl_data.consumer_id The consumer ID associated with the blacklisted consumer.
meta_data.consumer_id The consumer ID that is being flagged as a duplicate.


A consumer has initiated an account email update session

    "event_type": "consumer/email/update/created",
    "event_id": "cccfc72f-d97c-4db0-a87a-f2ea32d688c4",
    "meta_data": {
      "new_email": "",
      "old_email": "", 
      "object_type": "user_user"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.
meta_data.new_email The new email address associated with the consumer.
meta_data.old_email The old email address associated with the consumer.
meta_data.object_type The type of object that the email update relates to.


A consumer has validated email update to new email address

    "event_type": "consumer/email/update/validated",
    "event_id": "1b86760c-851b-4af2-ab9c-fe900d5bddab",
    "meta_data": {
      "new_email": "",
      "old_email": "",
      "object_type": "user_user"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.
meta_data.new_email The new email address associated with the consumer.
meta_data.old_email The old email address associated with the consumer.
meta_data.object_type The type of object that the email update relates to.


A consumer has initiated an ID upload

    "event_type": "consumer/identity/created",
    "event_id": "b5f350ca-01c0-4d24-8b16-5b11c94c2bb1",
    "meta_data": {
        "dob": "01/01/1970",
        "sex": "F",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "type": "front",
        "id_number": "1234567890",
        "card_number": "0987654321",
        "expiry_date": "01/01/2023",
        "nationality": "USA"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.
meta_data.dob The consumer's date of birth. The consumer's gender. The consumer's name.
meta_data.type The type of identity document that was created.
meta_data.id_number The consumer's identity document number.
meta_data.card_number The consumer's card number.
meta_data.expiry_date The expiry date of the consumer's identity document.
meta_data.nationality The consumer's nationality.


A consumer has validated an ID upload

    "event_type": "consumer/identity/validated",
    "event_id": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-k1l2m3n4o5p6",
    "meta_data": {
        "dob": "21/07/1989",
        "sex": "M",
        "name": "John Doe",
        "type": "back",
        "id_number": "1234567890",
        "card_number": "0987654321",
        "expiry_date": "04/04/2025",
        "nationality": "USA"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.
meta_data.dob The consumer's date of birth. The consumer's gender. The consumer's name.
meta_data.type The type of identity document that was created.
meta_data.id_number The consumer's identity document number.
meta_data.card_number The consumer's card number.
meta_data.expiry_date The expiry date of the consumer's identity document.
meta_data.nationality The consumer's nationality.


A consumer has initiate a password recovery session

    "event_type": "consumer/password/recovery/created",
    "event_id": "4268cce8-6fe8-42e8-a137-7236f46f0930",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has verifyed as owner of account attempted to recover.

    "event_type": "consumer/password/recovery/verifyed",
    "event_id": "0a1eb81f-0185-4889-bc77-fee82e599c37",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has initiated update of account password

    "event_type": "consumer/password/update/created",
    "event_id": "c7bf57f8-dae0-42b8-bb59-62a2b89669e4",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has verifyed as owner of account whose password is being attempted to update.

    "event_type": "consumer/password/update/verifyed",
    "event_id": "4a923ef5-d119-4fa4-90df-c08176f82fd0",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has initiated a registration session

    "event_type": "consumer/registration/created",
    "event_id": "ae934ed4-eabe-46b8-a129-a017c1472d5d",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has updated user details of a registration session

    "event_type": "consumer/registration/updated",
    "event_id": "e005df81-318f-4195-bb0c-35084369a2f1",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has validated user details of a registration session

    "event_type": "consumer/registration/validated",
    "event_id": "f8485beb-daf3-420d-b652-eeed9a0d9287",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has verified as owner of user details in a registration session

    "event_type": "consumer/registration/verifyed",
    "event_id": "c23c5f3d-66ad-4510-85d6-61e125578b61",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Account details are updated after ID upload

    "event_type": "consumer/updated",
    "event_id": "4f9fab6a-23c4-47a6-b867-45ebb06d8e86",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer has updated their phone number

  "event_type": "consumer/update-phone",
  "event_id": "f23ecfa4-d4fb-451b-b347-1279bd4e4a38",
  "meta_data": {
    "email": "*********",
    "country": "SAU",
    "new_phone": "+966*********",
    "old_phone": "+966*********",
    "ip_address": ""
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event Email associated with the phone number update Country code of the phone number
meta_data.new_phone The new phone number
meta_data.old_phone The old phone number
meta_data.ip_address IP address of the request that triggered event


A consumer signin was attempted

  "event_type": "customer/signin",
  "event_id": "f738e13c-2365-4c5f-bb5e-8cc7c5055f11",
  "meta_data": {
    "attempt_id": "c1d9712e-91f4-48e4-8d33-52f1f12173b6",
    "ip_address": "",
    "customer_id": "e7d09d2e-0c19-49e2-824c-5016cf0c6dc9",
    "login_success": true
Field Description
event_type A string representing the type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.attempt_id A unique identifier for the login attempt.
meta_data.ip_address The IP address of the device used by the consumer.
meta_data.customer_id A unique identifier for the consumer.
meta_data.login_success A boolean indicating whether the login attempt was successful.


Reminder email to consumer to verify registered email

    "event_type": "email/submit/reminder/consumer",
    "event_id": "1854c2fe-b128-45fd-a5f5-4aaf77c52b8a",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Reminder email to merchant to verify registered email

    "event_type": "email/submit/reminder/merchant",
    "event_id": "05ffd3ab-7cd2-499d-82ad-f5f6e2826acd",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant account has been approved by platform

    "event_type": "merchant/approved",
    "event_id": "3ce9e70c-a343-474b-aed3-52c5a2cd8243",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant account has been created

    "event_type": "merchant/created",
    "event_id": "9905078c-8e44-4c34-86aa-f4cf35885a03",
    "meta_data": {
      "country": "SAU",
      "merchant_id": "9e0f14e9-f16e-4674-8f40-009492ecy0ap",
      "merchant_name": "Test Merchant"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event. Country code of the phone number
meta_data.merchant_id Unique Identifier of new merchant created
meta_data.merchant_name Name of new merchant account


A merchant has initiated a password recovery session

    "event_type": "merchant/password/recovery/created",
    "event_id": "5e8dc1a0-b738-4beb-9a66-63af4fca9bff",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has verifyed as owner of account attempted to recover.

    "event_type": "merchant/password/recovery/verifyed",
    "event_id": "cdf0c63b-81df-4d87-952e-1a7f099c14de",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has initiated update of account password

    "event_type": "merchant/password/update/created",
    "event_id": "d6a18eed-e965-4a6b-80b3-e32c10bcc78a",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has verifyed as owner of account whose password is being attempted to update.

    "event_type": "merchant/password/update/verifyed",
    "event_id": "39017382-cdf2-49dd-b61b-a1fa2b54f3f2",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has initiated a registration session

    "event_type": "merchant/registration/created",
    "event_id": "e2773a0e-c221-425d-b912-c43ccc669fcc",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has updated user details of a registration session

    "event_type": "merchant/registration/updated",
    "event_id": "b02d6583-e6e6-45fc-9862-6fc72a6ecc02",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has validated user details of a registration session

    "event_type": "merchant/registration/validated",
    "event_id": "a8101717-4eed-4e55-a54d-0114f816ea78",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A merchant has verified as owner of user details in a registration session

    "event_type": "merchant/registration/verifyed",
    "event_id": "4472501b-f545-4dbd-82bc-96cafb125149",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant account public and private keys were created

    "event_type": "merchant/tokens/public_private/created",
    "event_id": "883aa56f-33f6-452f-a038-6a11a120943f",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant account details were updated

    "event_type": "merchant/updated",
    "event_id": "55370edc-4e57-4de2-bd5b-215b7fd71e99",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A One Time Password (OTP) login using account phone number was attempted

    "event_type": "otp/attempt",
    "event_id": "08ee50a1-2142-4dcf-9fc3-473d23d95370",
    "meta_data": {
      "attempt_id": "c6efc49f-ce92-4a93-8dd8-e53b97c02937",
      "ip_address": "",
      "customer_id": "c6efc49f-ce92-4a93-8dd8-e53b976bd07f",
      "phone_number": "+966500000000",
      "login_success": true
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.attempt_id A unique identifier for the login attempt.
meta_data.phone_number Registered account phone number
meta_data.customer_id A unique identifier for the registered account.
meta_data.ip_address IP address of the request that triggered event
meta_data.login_success A boolean indicating whether the login attempt was successful.


User has verified as owner of the registered email address

    "event_type": "user/email/verifyed",
    "event_id": "6e738380-6d25-462c-99cd-cc019be1530d",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


User has signed in using OAuth token

    "event_type": "user/signin/token",
    "event_id": "5435d100-74d5-4d3c-b491-38ee79b1f6d2",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


User has signed in using username and password

    "event_type": "user/signin/username",
    "event_id": "b5ccaad7-97f5-45f2-b601-f36ac7753559",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.

Events - Payment Methods and Installments

Installment Worker & Payment Method Event Flowchart


Installment auto deduction failed due to general linked payment method decline

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/account-locked",
    "event_id": "eb45d5a9-b6dd-491c-a2fb-13660cfd17f1",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "c5da5a0c-1f90-40c9-8103-e3ecc1fb6e63",
      "customer_id": "c4a49004-c8b0-4334-af68-c6bb207ffa33",
      "response_code": "316",
      "installment_id": "f262a902-2ad0-4eaa-b038-8b6e89fe84b7",
      "installment_amount": 500.25
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.response_code Payment Service Provider response code for payment attempt
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction failed due to linked payment method not supporting further tokenized transactions

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/account-locked/auto-deduct",
    "event_id": "6403290d-27da-483c-84be-eea70af4b869",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "SAR",
      "order_id": "07c9c6d0-20ea-4dca-a6de-3535c169fdaa",
      "customer_id": "f262a902-2ad0-4eaa-b038-8b6de46645e4",
      "payment_link": "", 
      "response_code": "",
      "installment_id": "684e4bf2-e4ad-4971-b4ec-9c076624db25",
      "installment_amount": 425.10
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.payment_link Payment link for customer to pay installment
meta_data.response_code Payment Service Provider response code for payment attempt
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction failure due to general linked payment method decline notification sent to customer

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/failed",
    "event_id": "7f449513-784a-439d-be7b-cdf520f055b4",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "18b5f16c-59b2-41e7-a2ed-a927ca6f4950",
      "customer_id": "19b3c0bf-1472-413c-bfc6-f70f8efab6ff",
      "response_code": "316",
      "installment_id": "59ab2292-c80e-43e7-a553-64b1f18820a8",
      "installments_id": "69ab2991-8f0d-21e7-a533-64b1f188106b",
      "installment_amount": 160.00
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.response_code Payment Service Provider response code for payment attempt
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installments_id Secondary identifier for order
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction failure due to linked payment method not supporting further tokenized transactions notification sent to customer

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/failed/auto-deduct",
    "event_id": "7f449513-784a-439d-be7b-cdf520f055b4",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "18b5f16c-59b2-41e7-a2ed-a927ca6f4950",
      "customer_id": "19b3c0bf-1472-413c-bfc6-f70f8efab6ff",
      "installment_id": "59ab2292-c80e-43e7-a553-64b1f18820a8",
      "installments_id": "69ab2991-8f0d-21e7-a533-64b1f188106b",
      "payment_link": "",
      "installment_amount": 160.00
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installments_id Secondary identifier for order
meta_data.payment_link Payment link for customer to pay installment
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction scheduled in 5 days reminder

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/manual/reminder",
    "event_id": "7f449513-784a-439d-be7b-cdf520f055b4",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "18b5f16c-59b2-41e7-a2ed-a927ca6f4950",
      "customer_id": "19b3c0bf-1472-413c-bfc6-f70f8efab6ff",
      "installment_id": "59ab2292-c80e-43e7-a553-64b1f18820a8",
      "installments_id": "69ab2991-8f0d-21e7-a533-64b1f188106b",
      "payment_link": "",
      "installment_amount": 160.00
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installments_id Secondary identifier for order
meta_data.payment_link Payment link for customer to pay installment
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction success

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/success",
    "event_id": "7f449513-784a-439d-be7b-cdf520f055b4",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "18b5f16c-59b2-41e7-a2ed-a927ca6f4950",
      "customer_id": "19b3c0bf-1472-413c-bfc6-f70f8efab6ff",
      "response_code": "316",
      "installment_id": "59ab2292-c80e-43e7-a553-64b1f18820a8",
      "installments_id": "69ab2991-8f0d-21e7-a533-64b1f188106b",
      "installment_amount": 160.00
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.response_code Payment Service Provider bank authorization code
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installments_id Secondary identifier for order
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Installment auto deduction scheduled for tomorrow

    "event_type": "installment/purchase/tomorrow",
    "event_id": "7f449513-784a-439d-be7b-cdf520f055b4",
    "meta_data": {
      "currency": "AED",
      "order_id": "18b5f16c-59b2-41e7-a2ed-a927ca6f4950",
      "customer_id": "19b3c0bf-1472-413c-bfc6-f70f8efab6ff",
      "response_code": "316",
      "installment_id": "59ab2292-c80e-43e7-a553-64b1f18820a8",
      "installments_id": "69ab2991-8f0d-21e7-a533-64b1f188106b",
      "installment_amount": 160.00
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.currency Currency of order
meta_data.order_id Unique identifier for order
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for consumer account
meta_data.response_code Payment Service Provider response code for payment attempt
meta_data.installment_id Unique identifier for installment
meta_data.installments_id Secondary identifier for order
meta_data.installment_amount Installment amount attempted to deduct


Payment Method added for user account

  "event_type": "payment_method/created",
  "event_id": "e02963e3-adab-43d6-9826-8acadc0b0b1e",
  "meta_data": {
    "gateway": "paytabs",
    "prepaid": false,
    "currency": "EUR",
    "bin_number": "484788",
    "card_brand": "Mastercard",
    "token_name": "3D3A47E01B218A7EBFC5BFF25F4A4F57",
    "customer_id": "b76d4f8d-9252-4fa8-a18e-1c1e7fb177eb",
    "expiry_date": "202603",
    "response_code": "238479",
    "card_holder_name": "John Doe",
    "last_four_digits": "0123",
    "response_message": "Success",
    "payment_method_id": "c3d8b5d5-34c5-4f60-a3c5-5d5d5cb5840f",
    "token_card_number": "tok_live_57HJSdu1AFQgjrS9fmsWtN",
    "token_card_security": "tok_live_X4fx8yW57bFvKx2Q35hd9S"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.gateway Payment gateway used for transaction
meta_data.prepaid Boolean value indicating if the payment was prepaid
meta_data.currency Currency of the transaction
meta_data.bin_number First six digits of the card used for transaction
meta_data.card_brand Brand of the card used for transaction
meta_data.token_name Unique identifier for the card token
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for the customer
meta_data.expiry_date Expiration date of the card used for transaction
meta_data.response_code Response code from the payment gateway
meta_data.card_holder_name Name of the card holder used for transaction
meta_data.last_four_digits Last four digits of the card used for transaction
meta_data.response_message Response message from the payment gateway
meta_data.payment_method_id Unique identifier for the payment method
meta_data.token_card_number Unique identifier for the card token in use
meta_data.token_card_security Security of the card token in use


User linked bank account using Lean, the integrated open banking platform

    "event_type": "lean/entity/created",
    "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
    "meta_data": {
      "bank_name": "Bank of America",
      "entity_id": "8c0f39e1-7a20-4b07-a7e8-87a73b2dd291",
      "customer_id": "fa81dce3-3e3f-462c-8a71-29cf31a813de",
      "permissions": ["transactions", "balance", "identity", "accounts"]
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.bank_name The name of the bank associated with the entity
meta_data.entity_id Unique identifier for the entity
meta_data.customer_id Unique identifier for the customer who created the entity
meta_data.permissions List of permissions granted to the entity, such as "transactions", "balance", "identity", "accounts"


User freezes/unfreezes Virtual Card, updating the card status

  "event_type": "lean/entity/created",
  "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
  "meta_data": {
    "card_id": "bc1e7292-cc9f-437b-b961-228226385f4e",
    "card_status": "ACTIVE",
    "user_id": "cfcdee2f-9009-4cb9-831a-a3867f606064",
    "card_product_id": "bd05ff06-ec09-41e6-9094-ea5e587c9129",
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.card_id The identifier of the VCN.
meta_data.card_status The status of the card.
meta_data.user_id The identifier of the user associated with the card.
meta_data.card_product_id The identifier of the card product


Payment method to deduct installments of orders placed using Virtual Card was updated

  "event_type": "vcn/card/account/loaded",
  "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
  "meta_data": {
    "card_id": "bc1e7292-cc9f-437b-b961-228226385f4e",
    "card_status": "ACTIVE",
    "new_linked_pm": "e015885b-3824-4476-9093-bbf55899d0d9",
    "user_id": "cfcdee2f-9009-4cb9-831a-a3867f606064",
    "card_product_id": "bd05ff06-ec09-41e6-9094-ea5e587c9129",
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.card_id The identifier of the VCN.
meta_data.new_linked_pm The identifier of the linked payment method.
meta_data.card_status The status of the card.
meta_data.user_id The identifier of the user associated with the card.
meta_data.card_product_id The identifier of the card product



Plan split for orders placed using Virtual Card was updated by the consumer

  "event_type": "vcn/card/account/loaded",
  "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
  "meta_data": {
    "card_id": "bc1e7292-cc9f-437b-b961-228226385f4e",
    "card_status": "ACTIVE",
    "new_plan": "e015885b-3824-4476-9093-bbf55899d0d9",
    "user_id": "cfcdee2f-9009-4cb9-831a-a3867f606064",
    "card_product_id": "bd05ff06-ec09-41e6-9094-ea5e587c9129",
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.card_id The identifier of the VCN.
meta_data.new_plan The identifier of the installment plan for the linked payment method.
meta_data.card_status The status of the card.
meta_data.user_id The identifier of the user associated with the card.
meta_data.card_product_id The identifier of the card product


Virtual Card was loaded with funds

  "event_type": "vcn/card/account/loaded",
  "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
  "meta_data": {
    "card_id": "bc1e7292-cc9f-437b-b961-228226385f4e",
    "card_status": "ACTIVE",
    "card_balance": "1200",
    "card_funded_amount": "200",
    "user_id": "cfcdee2f-9009-4cb9-831a-a3867f606064",
    "card_product_id": "bd05ff06-ec09-41e6-9094-ea5e587c9129",
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.card_id The identifier of the VCN.
meta_data.card_status The status of the card.
meta_data.card_funded_amount The added amount to card for this transaction.
meta_data.card_balance The balance of the card.
meta_data.user_id The identifier of the user associated with the card.
meta_data.card_product_id The identifier of the card product


Virtual Card funds were unloaded

  "event_type": "vcn/card/account/loaded",
  "event_id": "a3fcb14b-7fb9-41b3-8d3a-1fa429bcf99d",
  "meta_data": {
    "card_id": "bc1e7292-cc9f-437b-b961-228226385f4e",
    "card_status": "ACTIVE",
    "card_balance": "1500",
    "card_unloaded_amount": "100",
    "user_id": "cfcdee2f-9009-4cb9-831a-a3867f606064",
    "card_product_id": "bd05ff06-ec09-41e6-9094-ea5e587c9129",
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.card_id The identifier of the VCN.
meta_data.card_status The status of the card.
meta_data.card_unloaded_amount The amount removed from the card.
meta_data.card_balance The balance of the card.
meta_data.user_id The identifier of the user associated with the card.
meta_data.card_product_id The identifier of the card product

Events - Checkout, Order & Settlement Management

Checkout Lifecycle Events Flowchart

Daily report generation, Document Verification, Consumer & Merchant Miscellaneous Events Flowchart


Individual merchant settlement reports were generated

    "event_type": "admin/settlements/report/created",
    "event_id": "e26a2f12-1469-45dc-b79a-57d26e61f7c6",
    "meta_data": {
      "settlement_id": "5P7GJ9XQBT2F",
      "settlements_date": "2023-04-05",
      "settlement_report_id": "7c9e9ab8-7e3e-4a37-94f3-93213d4c4f4d"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.settlement_id The identifier of the settlement.
meta_data.settlements_date The date the settlements were created.
meta_data.settlement_report_id The identifier of the settlement report


Merchant added bank account was approved

    "event_type": "bank_accounts/approved_at",
    "event_id": "15881875-1de8-42b2-a981-bfebef4b7af7",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant added new bank account

    "event_type": "bank_accounts/created",
    "event_id": "dab180b1-9be6-4e58-a31d-89c4dc2f0f21",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer added a new billing address

    "event_type": "billing_address/created",
    "event_id": "93b159e3-1c50-4438-9ccf-56a5c879bb66",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer deleted a billing address

    "event_type": "billing_address/deleted",
    "event_id": "6477f4ac-3a44-40c0-8b4d-016140bf8574",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer updated a billing address

    "event_type": "billing_address/updated",
    "event_id": "bf144329-d90f-4ce2-b751-fb7fe2928c82",
    "meta_data": {"is_default": true}
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.is_default Boolean signifying if updated billing address is default


A consumer submitted a request for redeeming cashback as bank withdrawal

  "event_type": "cashback/bank_withdrawal/requested",
  "event_id": "b5f5d5e8-2f0b-4e1f-baaf-81d692174262",
  "meta_data": {
    "amount": 99.99,
    "currency": "USD",
    "bank_name": "ABC Bank",
    "account_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.amount Amount of cashback being withdrawn
meta_data.currency Currency code for the cashback amount
meta_data.bank_name Name of the bank to which cashback is being sent
meta_data.account_num Bank account number for the cashback recipient


A consumer earned cashback by shopping at an affiliate partner

    "event_type": "cashback/earned",
    "event_id": "5bf02cbf-7bec-4219-ba42-41a132174262",
    "meta_data": {
      "amount": 10.00,
      "currency": "USD",
      "merchant_name": "Test Merchant"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.amount Amount of cashback earned
meta_data.currency Currency code for the cashback amount
meta_data.merchant_name Name of affiliate partner where customer placed order


Merchant created a checkout.

  "event_type": "checkout/created",
  "event_id": "09e38701-8ec9-48d1-afa8-9b72085fd170",
  "meta_data": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "amount": "500.0",
    "source": "online",
    "country": "USA",
    "currency": "USD",
    "ip_address": null,
    "line_items": [
      "sku": "12345",
      "upc": null,
      "price": 250.0,
      "title": "Product 1",
      "currency": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "image_url": null,
      "reference": null
      "sku": "67890",
      "upc": null,
      "price": 250.0,
      "title": "Product 2",
      "currency": null,
      "quantity": 1,
      "image_url": null,
      "reference": null
    "checkout_id": "c7f40b9d-4d4e-42f2-971c-d73a4a19cbe5",
    "merchant_id": "abcdefg123456",
    "phone_number": "+1-555-555-5555",
    "order_reference": "ORD123456",
    "shipping_address": {
      "line1": "123 Main St",
      "line2": "",
      "line3": "",
      "line4": "",
      "state": "CA",
      "title": "Mr.",
      "country": "USA",
      "postcode": "90210"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event A string representing the name of the customer. A string representing the email address of the customer.
meta_data.amount A string representing the total amount of the purchase.
meta_data.source A string indicating the source of the checkout. ["online", "instore", "shopify", "wix", "magento"] A string representing the country code of the customer,
meta_data.currency A string representing the currency code of the transaction
meta_data.line_items A list of objects representing the items in the order.
meta_data.line_items[].sku A string representing the stock keeping unit of the item.
meta_data.line_items[].price A string representing the price of the item.
meta_data.line_items[].title A string representing the title of the item.
meta_data.line_items[].currency A string representing the currency code of the item price.
meta_data.line_items[].quantity An integer representing the quantity of the item.
meta_data.checkout_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the checkout.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.
meta_data.phone_number A string representing the phone number of the customer.
meta_data.order_reference A string representing the reference number of the order.
meta_data.shipping_address A JSON object representing the shipping address of the customer
meta_data.shipping_address.line1 A string representing the first line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line2 A string representing the second line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line3 A string representing the third line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line4 A string representing the fourth line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.title A string representing the title of the address. A string representing the country code of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.postcode A string representing the postal code of the address.


A consumer visited a checkout page

  "event_type": "checkout/fetched",
  "event_id": "c9b38452-4c4a-4c1d-a4b4-7c9578c73ee6",
  "meta_data": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "amount": "500.00",
    "source": "online",
    "country": "usa",
    "currency": "USD",
    "branch_id": null,
    "ip_address": "",
    "checkout_id": "d62a5361-34d2-4886-a005-ef71e156a988",
    "merchant_id": "a100af68-6639-420e-a697-57a25e7461db",
    "order_reference": "ORD1234567890",
    "shipping_address": {
      "line1": "123 Main St",
      "line2": "Apt 5",
      "line3": null,
      "line4": "New York",
      "state": "NY",
      "title": null,
      "country": "USA",
      "postcode": "10001"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event A string representing the name of the customer.
meta_data.amount A string representing the total amount of the purchase.
meta_data.source A string indicating the source of the checkout. ["online", "instore", "shopify", "wix", "magento"] A string representing the country code of the customer,
meta_data.currency A string representing the currency code of the transaction
meta_data.ip_address The IP address of the customer who made the checkout request.
meta_data.branch_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the employee branch of merchant.
meta_data.checkout_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the checkout.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.
meta_data.order_reference A string representing the reference number of the order.
meta_data.shipping_address A JSON object representing the shipping address of the customer
meta_data.shipping_address.line1 A string representing the first line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line2 A string representing the second line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line3 A string representing the third line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.line4 A string representing the fourth line of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.title A string representing the title of the address. A string representing the country code of the address.
meta_data.shipping_address.postcode A string representing the postal code of the address.


A consumer successfully placed an order

    "event_type": "checkout/order/confirmed",
    "event_id": "7966efce-91fd-4c2e-a2b0-d6b0467cc569",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer order placement request was approved by the risk engine

    "event_type": "checkout/order/preapproved",
    "event_id": "35858c2b-e119-48eb-8357-b2f352a83451",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A consumer is reminded of an abandoned checkout

  "event_type": "checkout/send_abandonment_email",
  "event_id": "8871a151-650b-4d49-b41b-8cd0671b80b5",
  "meta_data": {
    "amount": 500.0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "created_at": "2023-04-10 14:30:00.000000+00:00",
    "consumer_id": "8c245dba-3c64-49c6-9d9b-c9e6f2e1781a",
    "merchant_id": "a1234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
    "checkout_url": "",
    "order_reference_number": "ORD-1234567890"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.amount A string representing the total amount of the checkout.
meta_data.currency A string representing the currency code of the checkout
meta_data.created_at The timestamp representing time of checkout creation.
meta_data.consumer_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the consumer.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.
meta_data.order_reference_number A string representing the reference number of the checkout.
meta_data.checkout_url A URL representing the link to retrieve abandoned checkout


A demo request for our platform was created

  "event_type": "demos/created",
  "event_id": "b52bf51c-6d19-44b0-bc43-d9ef6d3e6e97",
  "meta_data": {
    "full_name": "John Doe",
    "company_name": "Acme Inc.",
    "company_email": "",
    "company_phone_number": "+1 (555) 123-4567"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.full_name A string representing the name of entity requesting a demo.
meta_data.company_name A string representing the name of company the entity represents.
meta_data.company_email A string representing the company email of the entity
meta_data.company_phone_number A string representing the company phone number of the entity


Merchant created a new employee account

    "event_type": "employee/account/created",
    "event_id": "d9862ea3-e4cf-46f0-871f-04042f9487e7",
    "meta_data": {
      "recipient": "",
      "recipient_fullname": "Adrian Hernandez"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.recipient A string representing the email of the new employee account.
meta_data.recipient_fullname A string representing the full name of new employee.


Installments were created for order being placed

  "event_type": "installments/created",
  "event_id": "b96d52fc-76a4-4cfc-a547-96f1f3526c9b",
  "meta_data": {
    "plan_id": "a2c6a7b2-21b9-4528-8a27-98c1fc2a6973",
    "installments_id": "24f8c9ec-fb28-45c6-9175-5a8a2a5a5f05",
    "payment_method_id": null
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.plan_id A UUID string representing the plan split for the installments
meta_data.installments_id A UUID string representing the secondary identifier for the order
meta_data.payment_method_id A UUID string representing the existing payment method used during order placement, null if consumer is adding a new payment method


Installments estimations were created for a checkout.

    "event_type": "installments/estimation/created",
    "event_id": "a0ad9195-2a57-4ef2-908c-d68350b38a43",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Callback received from Lean (Open Banking Platform)

  "event_type": "lean/callback",
  "event_id": "832170a9-eb76-4883-8751-b840b02a310e",
  "meta_data": {
    "type": "results.ready",
    "status": "ping_results_ready",
    "message": "Your results are ready.",
    "payload": {
      "id": "3f37aa26-02d7-4b2f-bb7e-b4fa7294e7d8"
    "event_id": "c0d85a96-6f78-468f-a58e-05a6df89e6d2",
    "timestamp": "2023-04-10T15:10:00.000000Z",
    "results_id": "3f37aa26-02d7-4b2f-bb7e-b4fa7294e7d8"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.type A string representing the type of callback
meta_data.status A string representing the status of callback
meta_data.message A string representing the descriptive message of the callback
meta_data.payload A JSON object including triggering payload identifiers A UUID string representing initial payload identifier
meta_data.event_id A UUID string representing the event identifier
meta_data.timestamp A timestamp string representing the time of event
meta_data.results_id A UUID string representing the result identifier


A consumer linkedIn URL upload was rejected

    "event_type": "linkedin/rejected",
    "event_id": "870cef64-3140-4d33-9fe5-86ef5423e849",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "870cef64-3140-4d33-9fe5-86ef54dedce8"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


A consumer linkedIn URL upload was verified

    "event_type": "linkedin/verified",
    "event_id": "8ffc2de1-ee0c-4cbe-b410-50628dfd69c1",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "8ffc2de1-ee0c-4110-bea6-d09569dedce8"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


A consumer passport upload was verified

    "event_type": "passport/verified",
    "event_id": "f04e0725-1c5d-445d-a193-b51840229373",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "8f4c70c9-7a2d-468c-a6bd-b5184b62e354"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


A consumer passport upload was rejected

    "event_type": "passport/rejected",
    "event_id": "fa197fe1-dd1d-4dc2-a133-1f7f007223e1",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "8f4c70c9-7a2d-468c-a6bd-9dcf007223e1"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


A consumer salary upload was rejected

    "event_type": "salary/rejected",
    "event_id": "434c0df7-c987-42d6-8943-4e4ed63cca3a",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "8f4c70c9-7a2d-468c-a6bd-4e4ed662e354"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


A consumer salary upload was verified

    "event_type": "salary/verified",
    "event_id": "43fa7cbd-4734-45ef-829d-9a6d26713292",
    "meta_data": {
      "staff_id": "8f4c70bd-4734-468c-a6bd-9dcbab62e354"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.staff_id A UUID string representing the staff who performed the action


Merchant generated settlement report from API

    "event_type": "settlements/report/created",
    "event_id": "03805978-a896-4237-ba9f-36601718c8c8",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant generated orders report from dashboard

    "event_type": "order/report/created",
    "event_id": "1e064fb5-5551-4c81-825a-c2610ee93aac",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Merchant generated refunds report from dashboard

    "event_type": "refunds/report/created",
    "event_id": "34dfecf1-c59e-46a8-872c-eaed97b19a78",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


Order whose first installment payment was authorized, was voided by the merchant

    "event_type": "order/voided",
    "event_id": "577eee41-0e44-49eb-9c67-cf3ec9000eb2",
    "meta_data": null
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data An object containing additional data about the event.


A shopify checkout was abandoned in an uncaptured/cancelled state, past order captured age

    "event_type": "shopify_checkouts/uncaptured",
    "event_id": "adae2923-a6e2-49ba-a660-93db482520da",
    "meta_data": {
      "checkout_url": ""
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.checkout_url A URL representing the link to retrieve the abandoned checkout


A shopify checkout was abandoned in an opened state

    "event_type": "shopify_checkouts/unconfirmed",
    "event_id": "d8049cf7-9bff-4571-955a-29b2df1730e8",
    "meta_data": {
      "checkout_url": ""
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.checkout_url A URL representing the link to retrieve the abandoned checkout


A shopify checkout was abandoned in an opened state, past order cancel notification age

    "event_type": "shopify_checkouts/unconfirmed/retry",
    "event_id": "c101caeb-cb5b-46fa-aafe-b047fecf1dc2",
    "meta_data": {
      "checkout_url": ""
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.checkout_url A URL representing the link to retrieve the abandoned checkout


Order was captured by merchant

  "event_type": "order/captured",
  "event_id": "ca770061-5d54-4137-b431-04e2f320dada",
  "meta_data": {
    "number": "+1234567890",
    "plan_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "currency": "USD",
    "order_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "checkout_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "customer_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "merchant_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "order_amount": 999.99,
    "order_number": "1234567890",
    "installment_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "transaction_id": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-1234567890ab",
    "order_reference": "1234567890",
    "downpayment_amount": 299.99
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.number A string representing the phone number of the consumer.
meta_data.plan_id A UUID string representing the plan split for the installments
meta_data.installment_id A UUID string representing the identifier for the down payment installment of the order
meta_data.order_amount A float representing the total amount of the purchase.
meta_data.currency A string representing the currency code of the transaction
meta_data.customer_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the consumer.
meta_data.checkout_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the checkout.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.
meta_data.transaction_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant transaction.
meta_data.order_reference A string representing the reference number of the order.
meta_data.order_number A string representing the internal reference number of the order.
meta_data.downpayment_amount A float representing the downpayment amount of the purchase.


Order has been fully settled for by consumer

  "event_type": "order/completed",
  "event_id": "7cce08d8-4a93-45a4-b1b6-85a084304129",
  "meta_data": {
    "order_id": "1a2b3c4d-5e6f-7g8h-9i0j-1k2l3m4n5o6p",
    "customer_id": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-k1l2m3n4o5p6",
    "merchant_id": "1q2w3e4r-5t6y-7u8i-9o0p-a1s2d3f4g5h6"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.customer_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the consumer.
meta_data.order_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the order.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.


Order was created after consumer payment attempt was approved by risk engine

    "event_type": "order/created",
    "event_id": "514d39da-5acf-4657-96cd-6a81e2fd1189",
    "meta_data": {
      "customer_id": "2fef9364-c207-45ef-8b37-410ed0ddc3eb",
      "order_id": "1a2b3c4d-5e6f-7g8h-9i0j-1k2l3m4n5o6p",
      "merchant_id": "1q2w3e4r-5t6y-7u8i-9o0p-a1s2d3f4g5h6"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.customer_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the consumer.
meta_data.order_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the order.
meta_data.merchant_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant.


A consumer paid for an upcoming installment from dashboard

    "event_type": "order/payed",
    "event_id": "d90b17a3-2665-47bf-b448-a1c86c3a2247",
    "meta_data": {
      "installment_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
Field Description
event_type The type of event that occurred.
event_id A unique identifier for the event.
meta_data.installment_id An object containing additional data about the event.


  "event_type": "order/refunded",
  "event_id": "a0a5afbb-2a16-4eff-817d-c9d1fa1376fd",
  "meta_data": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "order_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "full_refund": true,
    "refund_amount": 0.0,
    "transaction_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "refunded_amount": 192.0
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.refunded_amount A float representing the total order amount refunded.
meta_data.refund_amount A float representing the total amount refunded to consumer.
meta_data.currency A string representing the currency code of the transaction
meta_data.order_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the order.
meta_data.transaction_id A UUID string representing the unique identifier of the merchant transaction.
meta_data.full_refund A boolean representing if order was fully refunded.

Checkout payment link was created

    "event_type": "payment/link/created",
    "event_id": "ec598ed0-096c-4259-931e-540b118505bc",
    "meta_data": {
      "checkout_url": "",
      "minutes_to_expiration": 1440
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.checkout_url A URL representing the checkout payment link.
meta_data.minutes_to_expiration An integer representing the minutes till payment link expires.


The payment method linked to recurring payment of an order was updated

    "event_type": "order/payment_methods/updated",
    "event_id": "9b3b3a57-0c80-4d38-9988-65bc4c917c7c",
    "meta_data": {
      "payment_method_id": "af45d324-aebf-4b3c-af75-c471d8e1f53a"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.payment_method_id A UUID string representing the new payment method linked to recurring payments of the order.


Order capture notification including list of employee emails to be notified

    "event_type": "order/captured/merchant",
    "event_id": "3c4d0382-8870-427d-adce-17c955d39b9a",
    "meta_data": {
      "recipients": [""],
      "transaction_id": "eedbcd22-c262-4791-91a5-cb85823f5580"
Field Name Description
event_type Type of event being triggered
event_id Unique identifier for the event
meta_data.recipients A list of strings representing the list of employees to be notified.
meta_data.transaction_id A UUID string representing the order capture transaction ID.